Brother Can't Drive

The car had 401 miles on it and can now be purchased for a mere $409,660.

How to pick up a chick in a grocery store 101. Curtis Stone is the man.
George Bush and Tony Blair star in The (Oval) Office. A take-off on NBC's popular show, The Office.
The stat tracking website I use has a feature that shows a map of where traffic to my blog is coming from. I had never paid attention to the particular function before, but I decided to look at it this afternoon. I was a little surprised to see that I had visits from across the globe. I think it's pretty cool that some dork like me can write stuff that people in India read, or at least click on by accident. Of course, it's amazing how many web hits you can generate by just posting "Claire Danes in boxers" or "Daniella Sarahyba nude." That last sentence alone will probably generate traffic for the next two days.
I didn't mix this video, but the kid that did really did a good job. A little tribute to one of my favorite shows, The Office.
Four of the past five years, the answer has been the squirrels, says Engelman, vice president of operations for the Lincoln Electric System in Nebraska. Nebraska is not alone. Many states are grappling with a big increase in the number of power outages caused by squirrel electrocutions.
Squirrels that fry themselves on power lines and transformers cause tens of thousands of blackouts every year.
"It's serious when it causes power outages to 50-60,000 people," said Cathy Engel, a spokeswoman for PECO, which provides electricity to the Philadelphia area.
Among recent outages:
• A squirrel caused a power outage in October that shut down Merced College, southeast of San Francisco, for half the day.
• In January, a squirrel cut power to 4,500 customers in Amarillo, Tex.
• Hundreds of gallons of raw sewage poured into Mobile Bay in Alabama after a squirrel cut power to a sewage lift station there.
Stopping the squirrels is not easy.
"Those guys are awfully clever," said Tim Fox with Ameren, which provides electricity to St. Louis-area homes and businesses.
"When they want to get into something, they do," Fox said.
Squirrel guards have been placed on many transformers, but squirrels adapt to the technology, forcing the utilities to switch to different forms of what's known in the business as "wildlife abatement technology."
"Whenever we think we've got them figured out, they try something else," Engelman said.
Claire Danes doesn't look half bad dancing around in a pair of boxer shorts. The thing that amazes me though, most of the responses I'm getting on are from women that like the commercial because of Patrick Wilson. Go figure.
Here is the complete lineup for the 2007 Beale Street Music Festival.
If you're ever on I-75 between Dayton and Cincinnati, you can see this monstrousity from the interstate. What makes the whole thing even funnier is that there is a gigantic adult books and novelty store called Hustler-Hollywood on the other side of the interstate.
Charlie was a close friend of Elvis. He was the guy that handed Elvis the scarves that got tossed to women in the crowd and the guy that was actually playing guitar while Elvis strummed away on an instrument that didn't have any amplification. Charlie passed away one year ago on March 3rd. Now who's going to hand The King his scarves at the Elvis 30th Anniversary Concert later this year in Memphis?
Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, the only recognizable actors in the film, play the American couple. Brad Pitt is in his mid-40’s now, and he looks every bit of fifty in this film. I’m not sure if his natural age is showing, the makeup was authentic looking, or a combination of the two, but I believe his appearance made his role more believable. I don’t necessarily dislike Brad Pitt, but you have to question a guy that is willing to stick his manhood in a space that was once occupied by Billy Bob Thornton. Cate Blanchett is believable in any role.
The shooting of the American woman is the link between the stories and actually the cause for the other tragedies. I’m not sure what the filmmaker’s intentions were, but I found myself being angry and believing that with the exception of the American couple and the small children being transported into
Although I think this was a very well written and intriguing movie, there is not a single light-hearted or upbeat frame in the entire 2 hour and 30 minute runtime. Still, I never found myself bored or wanting to turn it off. The events and characters are interesting enough to make watching the film worthwhile.