Let Me See that Thong

But Wright was startled when the movie's title, "Thong Girl 3", and his role in its making was splashed across the front page of Friday's editions of the Nashville Tennessean newspaper.
"I had no idea what the movie was about," Wright said on Friday. "They told me it was about a superhero woman and there was no nudity or offensive stuff in it. Other than that, I really didn't have a clue."
According to the Thong Girl Web site, heroine Lana Layonme wears a red thong under a cape as she flies over Nashville repelling a villain who is trying to turn country music performers into rappers. The movie is the third in a series released only on DVD.
"They said it was family friendly," said Wright who let the locally-based crew use his office for two hours. "We've had a lot of movies filmed in this area during the past few years. In fact, I think Sally Field was in one of them. Anyhow, I thought it was good for business."
Residents have not been unkind, Wright said.
"Well, it's sure true that no good deed goes unpunished but most of my e-mails about this haven't been bad."
I don't see any harm done, and I honestly believe the mayor had no idea what the film was about. I saw a clip of him on a cable news channel, and he looked liked and older, trusting person. He was pretty embarrassed. Nobody will probably ever see this movie anyway. Thong Girl ain't no Wonder Woman. Where is Lynda Carter when you need her?
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